This guide will help you setup your email account for your online colleges. You will be able to use your email for mdc admissions, online college applications, courses, mdc transcript and much more.
This guide will help you setup your email account for your online colleges. You will be able to use your email for mdc admissions, online college applications, courses,
mdc transcript and much more.
For Android go here, for Faculty, go here
This post assumes that you completed the Pop password and IMAP enabled guide.
iPhone setup:
- On your iPhone or iPod touch's home screen, tap Settings
- Tap Passwords & Accounts
- Tap Add Account...
- Tap Other
- Tap Add Mail Account
- Enter your account information, being sure to use your full student email address.
Where it says: just write your MDC student username, example: fulanito.menganito001

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