How to Exclude IP in Google Analytics 4

How to Exclude IP in Google Analytics 4

public 1 min read
If you are trying to define your network so it doesn't trigger your own queries or someone else's searches who uses your network, you can define simple rules to exclude your IP out of the Analitycs.
Script to keep Windows PC Active

Script to keep Windows PC Active

public 1 min read
If you are under a corporation's network which doesn't allow you to install 3rd party programs and also the screen times out after inactivity, you can use this script to keep the screen active which presses Tab every x amount of time.
Zoom: shared Whiteboard + Annotations! - 2021

Zoom: shared Whiteboard + Annotations! - 2021

public 5 min read
If you want to use a whiteboard on your meeting or annotations, there are a couple of steps to pay attention to. In this video, I want to break down how to use Whiteboards in zoom as well as how to use Annotations in zoom.
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